What exactly happens when I 'Push' changes?
When you Push changes, you're updating the composition with your current customizations. This means that all instances of this asset in your current composition will reflect these new settings. It doesn't affect the original asset in the Spotlight FX library.
If I Pull an asset, will I lose all my customizations?
Pulling an asset reverts it to its original state within the composition. However, your timeline will retain a history of your changes. You can always undo the pull action if you want to return to your customized version.
Other features
- Looper
- Renamer
- Social Media Guidelines
- Collect Assets on Import
- Apps
- Copy Keyframe Easings
- After Effects Integration
- Animating with Keyframes
- Anchor Point Mover
- Premiere Pro Integration
- Simple Easings
- Fit to Comp
- Animate with Markers
- Cloud Sync
- Cloud to Timeline
- Collections
- Downloaded Items
- Intelligent Import
- Item Request
- Live Updates
- Offline Mode
- Private Libraries
- Realtime Feedback
- Realtime Workflow
- Scene Composer
- Style Editor
- Tutorials
- Videomaker's Assets
- Free for Everyone